Monday, October 13, 2008

Am I letting myself go?...

I didn't think twice about pairing these socks with these shoes but Gabe brought it to my attention that they are quite the heinous match...I seriously don't have cankles, these socks just don't flatter.

This is my outfit of choice when I am home. I wear high heels every day so I feel entitled to wear whatever is most comfortable once I leave work. Not that this is anything new for me, I have always based my wardrobe on comfortability. I have just taken this concept to the next level now that I am forced to dress up for work. Am I not allowed that?


Brian and Wendy said...

That looks like an outfit I saw aunt Jeannie in last week!

Carrie said...

I thought this wasn't supposed to happen to women until after they have kids. Don't you think you're jumping the gun a little bit?

Adam and Tara said...

brooke-- hell no. I cannot let you slip already!! I thought NY was supposed to make you guys stylish city people. It definitely made me laugh and I thought to myself all the funny/sarcastic comments I'd make if I had spotted them myself. Nice job Gabe, don't let her do this again :) Miss you!

Anonymous said...

It doesn't seem much different from what you used to wear when we were attached at the hip.

Brooke said...

I'm even wearing Britney's Bear Lake sweat-shirt! You know, the one she tried to give to D.I. I'm hopeless.