Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Daddy came to visit

Big Daddy came out to visit us last weekend after having a business trip in New Jersey. I don't think the trip was nearly as fun for him as it was for us. He took us grocery shopping, twice! Our mini cart couldn't take the bulk all at once. We did take him on the Staten Island Ferry...we would have taken him to do more but he didn't seem all that interested. Which was fine for us. Oh yeah, we did eat out a lot. New York didn't offer him a wide variety of his preferable healthy dishes butcha get whatcha get when you come to Brooklyn. I'm sure he went home with tired ears, I spent most of the trip telling him about everything we are doing that would make him proud. I'm kind of ridiculous like that. Thanks for coming out Daddy!


Carrie said...

I'm glad your dad came out for a visit. I must admit it makes me feel very lonesome for you two. Can't wait till I get a little trip to see you (it looks like it might be in Apri1!). Give me a call...although I can't seem to always find my phone amidst all the crazy packing. Miss you both. Love you. -Carrie

Unknown said...

Hey hey! Sounds like you both are living the dream! I'm loving this blog and am very impressed by your mad blogging skills (that's mostly directed to Brooke, I know Gaber's too "busy" to post anything ;). I'm looking forward to hearing about all of your forthcoming adventures out there in the Big Apple. Love ya both and hope to see you soon!
-Lil' Dave

Brian and Wendy said...

Dad looks famished in the blog posts. Did you feed him at all?