I woke up to these beautiful roses! Gabriel was thoughtful enough to wake up early on Saturday morning while I was still asleep to buy these so I could wake up to them:) Sweet, huh?

It's become our tradition to make dinner for each other on Valentine's so that we don't have to battle the crowds. It's a fun tradition because we cook cuisine that we would never make otherwise. This year was Gabe's turn to make the meal for me and he chose Lobster. I am naive and had no idea that you bought them alive! I couldn't bear to look at them before they were cooked, hence the reason why Gabe is taking the self shot.

The lobster turned out delicious! It was a fun meal to eat at home. It was such a mess trying to pry the shells open! Gabriel conquered the art of romance once again!
Gabe you old romantic you!
That is so fun! Glad you liked the lobster....I have had it so many times and each time I think "Today I will really love lobster;" I never do. But every time we got to Albertson's the boys and I stop by the tank to watch the little guys crawl all over each other. The boys think they look like dinosaurs and they love it! But I'm with you, I don't like to see them cooked!
I like it when the lobsters whine... wwwhhhhhhhhiiiiinnnnnnnnnnneeeee
You've raised the bar high Gabe.
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