Sunday, November 23, 2008

TWILIGHT was the HIGHLIGHT of our weekend!

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Twilight, the movie was everything I dreamed it would be and more! The characters were cast perfectly! The Cullen's are as beautiful as I pictured them to be except for Carlisle. He's not quite hot enough and the fact that he played Mike the jock from Can't Hardly Wait kind of ruined it. Bella was exactly was I imagined. The story line didn't stray from that of the books, which I am pleased with. Some say it was cheesy, but I am not that some one. I'm totally happy with having paid $25 to see it with my sweet husband (whom also enjoyed it). Gabe was a bit embarrassed to see the show but he wanted to see it just as bad as me. Has anyone else seen it?


Brandon and Krystyn said...

oh brooke!! I haven't seen it yet, but I have heard so many good things about it! They are making New Moon into a movie also. Hey when are you guys going to be in SLC and for how long?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Seth and I saw it this weekend too. We were kind of disappointed that is was so short!! We felt like so many crucial scenes were cut out. I agree with you about Carlisle, I couldn't take him seriously!! I think we are going to see it again this weekend though. We felt like we just analyzed it the whole time and didn't really watch it. But we did like it, we thought the cast was amazing! Bella is perfect, perfectly annoying, just as I imagined she would be!

I miss you, please tell me you are coming home for the Holidays! I need to see you!!!!!!

Adam and Tara said...

Ok, I still consider you two to be our best friends but c'mon. Twilight??? Boo. Best part was Gabe on Facebook at 12:30am, telling me how much he enjoyed it. Miss you!

Robin said...

Brooke - I know you were as excited to see Twilight as I was to see Harry Potter! Too bad you didn't like Carlisle (of course I still haven't read the books yet even though you and Caroline assure me I'll like them) but movies are rarely as good as books because they use someone else' ideas. For instance, my quiditch match was MUCH better than the movie's. Have a wonderful anniversary celebration. Love you. M

dzuewski said...
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The Millers said...

I've been blog stalking you but finally decided to post! You are doing so many fun things I am jealous! I just saw the movie too and totally loved it. I was dreaming about Edward all night!

Taryn said...

Hey Brooke I found your blog from Bre's. It looks like you are doing great and having fun in NYC! Keep in touch!

Robin said...

Your excitement about Twilight was so evident - and Caroline had asked me if I had read it yet before I left for Thanksgiving in CO - SO since I didn't even feel like taking a shower today (much less anything else requiring energy)I started the book. OK, I'm going to like it.M

Caroline said...

AHHHHHHHH!!! I'm totally addicted to it! I thought it was so good! Edward is a babe!