Monday, August 25, 2008

Brooklyn High School for Leadership and Community Service

This is the counselors office. We're kind of crammed in this room but I have my own space with room for a mini-fridge. That's all that's a mess in this picture, we're just moving in.


Anonymous said...

You have your own desk and a place for a mini fridge???? Don't you feel so grown up now!!

Brian and Wendy said...

Nice office Brooke, glad to hear you have a mini fridge. With enough Diet Pepsi, any job is bearable.

Carrie said...

The mini fridge really is all that matters, particularly with the shortage of fountain drinks in keep that thing stocked!

Brooke said...

I do indeed feel grown up. The students even call me Miss Brooke. I'm not quite to Mrs. Anderson but for now I'll settle for Miss Brooke. Diet Pepsi does indeed solve most frustrating work situations. I will keep it stocked and I will drink in plenty.