Saturday, July 5, 2008

where's the rest of my head???

So, after the fireworks display I was trying to take a picture of Brooke with a patriotic empire state building in the back ground (note the red, white , and blue) when this really drunk and obnoxious old man insisted on taking the picture of us both . I tried to say no because one of my most favorite things is not having my camera stolen. I also like having all of my head in pictures which really isn't that much to ask but when your drunk... So, it's obviously not the best picture but it's a great memory.


Brian and Wendy said...

Maybe the old man thought the picture would look better without Gabe's shaved head in it?

Anonymous said...

It's a great picture!! Where were you guys?

Anonymous said...

I told Seth the story of Gabes headless photo- he thought it was hillarious! Thanks for the laugh Gabe! We miss you guys!