Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day

I woke up to these beautiful roses! Gabriel was thoughtful enough to wake up early on Saturday morning while I was still asleep to buy these so I could wake up to them:) Sweet, huh?

It's become our tradition to make dinner for each other on Valentine's so that we don't have to battle the crowds. It's a fun tradition because we cook cuisine that we would never make otherwise. This year was Gabe's turn to make the meal for me and he chose Lobster. I am naive and had no idea that you bought them alive! I couldn't bear to look at them before they were cooked, hence the reason why Gabe is taking the self shot.

The lobster turned out delicious! It was a fun meal to eat at home. It was such a mess trying to pry the shells open! Gabriel conquered the art of romance once again!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Late Show with David Letterman

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Brooke and I have really been New Yorkin' it up lately and this past monday was no exception. We scored tickets the The Late Show with David Letterman. It was AWESOME! Martha Stuart was the main guest and I'm pretty sure Dave really doesn't like her. He was really going after her and It was so much fun to watch. I'm fairly certain that Dave was putting on an extra special show because he knew we were in the audience. Ya- we're that cool. And I'm pretty sure paul even glanced in our general direction. The best part is that they were filming the friday show so you all can watch if you want to catch a glimpse of us on t.v. The camera swept over us a few times so be on the lookout. We were about 3 or 4 rows back and right on the isle. Brooke is wearing a bright green shirt. Just look for best looking couple in the audience.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Pasty white and lookin' fine!

Okay, so Brooke and I got tagged and this is the result. Let me tell you the story behind this particular picture. Brooke recently started a fitness challenge that required her to get her body fat tested and weigh herself and do the "before" pictures. Well, I am not doing the fitness challenge but I am trying to drop a few pounds so I told Brooke that I would do the before and after pictures with her. This is, obviously, the before picture from behind, don't pretend like you don't like it... I know you do. Maybe if you're lucky I'll post the "after" picture too. That will be a real treat.

The Rules:

1. Go to your documents/pictures.
2. Go to your 6th file.
3. Go to your 6th picture.
4. Blog about it.
5. Tag 6 people to do the same.
6. So here we go...

So now we'll tag:

Carrie & William
Brian & Wendy
Mikell & Seth
Brandon & Krystyn
Jed & Brooke

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Born anew

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Last night we won the raffle for $25 front row seat Wicked tickets, originally these tickets sell for $300!!!! All I have to say is that I am a new woman. I am now a believer in Musical Theater. I never expected to be blown away by the theater, but I was and I'm in love. It was seriously so entertaining and out of this world that I honestly didn't blink for 2 and 1/2 hours. For real, it was that awesome.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Casey's NY College Trip

My brother Greg and his daughter Casey came out to NYC so Casey could audition for several Musical Theater and Vocal Performance colleges. Turns out she's pretty dang good and we had a great time having them out here. The auditions seemed to go well but you never really know with these things until the results are in. We're keeping our fingers crossed for you Casey.