Saturday, September 13, 2008

Date night on the Staten Island Ferry

Tonight we went out to dinner at a burger joint and rode the Staten Island Ferry. The weather is finally starting to cool down, so the temp. was perfect and there weren't many people riding on the third level deck. It was quite the romantic spot. I tried to get some p.d.a. out of Gabe but I didn't get far. He's way too concerned about what other people are thinking, we are in New York for goodness sakes!!


Carrie said...

Who cares what people are thinking. Its NY! You wouldn't be doing anything they haven't seen on any street before...or would you???

Brandon and Krystyn said...

Gabe, that hat is very becoming of you! Brooke you look so great!! I hope work is good. We miss you!

Adam and Tara said...

Always trying to get some Brooke--some things never change. Lets have another sex chat that makes gabe uncomfortable :)

Brian and Wendy said...

Are topsiders coming back?

gabe said...

Topsiders, coming back?...they already are back! Topsiders have arrived and they're better then ever!

Anonymous said...

Why do you not answer my phone calls!!!!