Saturday, March 14, 2009


Our best friends Adam and Tara spent their precious spring break to come visit us. It must be because we are so awesome and lovable that everybody wants to be near us...or maybe it's just because we live in New York City. Either way it's so nice to have loved ones come out.

Tara and I were chatting away on the subway when we notice the boys have been giggling really hard. We start listening in to their conversation and realize that they were unsatisfied with the "1-866-866-MALE" as being the phone number for an impotence advertisement. Here were some of their ideas...1-866-MY-SHAME, 1-866-NO-BONER, 1-866-NOT-HARD....boys will be boys.
Adam was such a sport about accompanying Gabe on Reggie's walks. Thank you Adam! Gabe, why are you wearing my robe outside?


Brandon and Krystyn said...

How fun!! I heard Brian and Wendy are coming out to see you so you guys have lots to look forward to. Love you!

Carrie said...

I love the robe; Gabe is one stylish man or woman or whatever he's trying to be! I'm glad to finally see a new post....we've missed you!

Adam and Tara said...

we came out because we love you, not for NY! We live in Logan.. there's so much to do here its crazy we'd want to travel to NY for entertainment.


Adam and Tara said...

gabe, has anyone ever told you that you look like a midget?

Robin said...

It's not the robe - it's the leggings in picture #1 I'm wondering about! M