Sunday, February 8, 2009

Pasty white and lookin' fine!

Okay, so Brooke and I got tagged and this is the result. Let me tell you the story behind this particular picture. Brooke recently started a fitness challenge that required her to get her body fat tested and weigh herself and do the "before" pictures. Well, I am not doing the fitness challenge but I am trying to drop a few pounds so I told Brooke that I would do the before and after pictures with her. This is, obviously, the before picture from behind, don't pretend like you don't like it... I know you do. Maybe if you're lucky I'll post the "after" picture too. That will be a real treat.

The Rules:

1. Go to your documents/pictures.
2. Go to your 6th file.
3. Go to your 6th picture.
4. Blog about it.
5. Tag 6 people to do the same.
6. So here we go...

So now we'll tag:

Carrie & William
Brian & Wendy
Mikell & Seth
Brandon & Krystyn
Jed & Brooke


Carrie said...

Nice love handles! As for the way! You didn't respond to mine when I tagged with an award so why would I now play your game? You have to play fair, sucker!

Anonymous said...

haha this is awesome! Seth and are doing the before and after thing too! Hopefully I don't get as lucky as Gabe and get to post it!

Brian and Wendy said...

We need a full frontal shot to accurately gauge your fitness level. If your self consious I can provide paisties.

Brooke said...

What are paisties?

Adam and Tara said...

Brooke, you don't know what pasties are??? Ah, my friend. I'll tell you about them but whatever you do, don't look them up online :)